First Name
Last Name
What type of vacation destination do you prefer?
Choose up to 3 options that appeal to you the most.
Adventure/Outdoor Activities
Cultural/Historical Sites
What activities or experiences are most important to you on this vacation?
Choose up to 5 options that you’d love to include.
Dining at local restaurants
Water sports (swimming, snorkeling, etc.)
Cultural experiences (museums, historical sites, etc.)
Relaxing on the beach/by the pool
Adventure sports (zip-lining, rafting, etc.)
Family-friendly activities (theme parks, zoos, etc.)
What is your ideal balance between relaxation and activities?
Please select one option.
Mostly relaxation with minimal activities
A mix of relaxation and activities
Mostly activities with minimal relaxation
What is your preferred length of the vacation?
Please select one option.
A long weekend (3-4 days)
One week
10-14 days
Two weeks or more
What is your preferred travel budget?
Please consider total costs, including travel, accommodations, food, and activities.
Budget-friendly (e.g., local trips, camping)
Moderate (e.g., domestic flights, mid-range hotels)
Splurge (e.g., international flights, luxury accommodations)
How would you like meals to be planned during the vacation?
Select all that apply.
Dining out at local restaurants
Cooking meals together in a shared space (e.g., rental house with kitchen)
Pre-prepared meals or catering
Exploring street food and casual dining options
Flexible (a mix of dining out and cooking in)
How important is it for everyone to participate in all activities together?
Please select one option.
Very important (I prefer we all do everything together)
Somewhat important (I’m okay with splitting up for some activities)
Not important (I’m fine with people doing different things)
What are your preferences for travel arrangements?
Select all that apply.
Traveling together as a group (e.g., driving together in a caravan))
Flying to the destination
Driving separately
Renting a car at the destination
Using ride-sharing services (e.g., Uber/Lyft)
Are there any specific destinations or places you would love to visit?
Please list any specific cities, countries, or regions you have in mind.
Are there any destinations or activities you would prefer to avoid?
Please mention anything that doesn’t appeal to you.
What personal goals or experiences do you hope to achieve on this vacation?
For example, relaxation, adventure, family bonding, learning something new, etc.
Do you have any additional ideas or suggestions for our family vacation?
Please share any thoughts or ideas you have that haven’t been covered above.