Still Life with Loquats
Still Life with Loquats
16x20 l Oil, Water Color on Gold Leaf
Week 30
I have been in love with the idea of painting on Gold Leaf for a few years and never set out to do it! It's really cool how even though Laert is a professional artist, we are getting to explore new things together- experiencing them for the first time. There is a lot of bonding in exploration!
We utilized our drawing a great deal, applying thin, loose coats of paint and velatur to get our look.
It was intimidating to me before we started, and supposed to be the last one of the 4 florals as to build up to the more difficult piece. However, once in motion, it was natural and free. I loved doing this one so much. Finally! It's interesting to paint on a luminescent surface. There is so much more depth there and the challenge is to force yourself to stop. Let it be. Let it be naturally gorgeous.