The Discovery
The Discovery
Week 53
It's been 3 weeks since completing the inceptive series 52Weeks 52Quickies. Coming into the studio felt so interesting, surreal. There was a palpable presence there. Like entering the home of 2 giants while they were away. It was exciting thinking the next series was beginning. I half felt like I didn't fit in my own shoes, while also feeling the familiarity of the work at hand.
On our first trip, we knew we would be using ourselves as muse (especially our little girl) but we did not want to build a series of family portraiture. So goodbye darling girl, goodbye pink galoshes and puffy pink coat. Working from imagination, we changed her clothing to give it an old world boyish look and gave her handsome curls over to auburn.
The photo was taken inside a castle built in 1930 that stands in ruins. It was a chance moment of true wonder.
The child stands in the tiny, twisty staircase of stone, a rapt expression timeless in the downpour of light. We are never so alive as when in moments of awe.
Turner Falls, Oklahoma