Rising Above

Rising Above


Week 82

This whale, breaching the briny divide of sea to air, takes a deep breath and pulls the light into the water surrounding her. Thousands of bubbles rise. She is quiet, but her presence deafening. She is enormous, but as graceful as the tide that comes and goes without notice. Strong and gentle, she is full of paradox and yet none at all. It is who she was made to be. The light that filters down on her gives her an ethereal look, as if God was caressing His creation and affirming her majesty.

We did this piece for our son, who is still a few weeks from being born. Have you ever seen a mother whale protect its baby from a pod of killer whales? It’s an amazing struggle too real to imagine. She meets it with power, grace and determination every time. It is our hope and great privilege to have this new little person, and to be trusted to guide and protect him. Perhaps we may have some of this beautiful paradox in us. And hopefully in doing so, the light will shine in us in the same way.

Rising Above

40x30 l Oil on Canvas

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