Rain Clouds over the Smokies
Rain Clouds over the Smokies
Week 135
Dark clouds, thick bellied and looming begin to amass. The lush valley is cast into the anticipation of a deep summer storm. Flowers playing in the dappled sunlight suddenly become tiny candlelight blooms in the growing darkness. Flickers of hope, no matter how small - forever change the surface of the painting, singing the indestructibility of hope and goodness.
This one was infectious, beginning with thin, deep tones in a steady, rhythmic start. Each stroke, compounding thicker and faster until there was a crescendo of twinkling lights. We had to hold ourselves back as we pushed forward, laughing despite the moody scene, until at last we plop down to evaluate our work. Nothing is more gratifying and difficult than creating from the depth of your emotion and ability with your partner. For me, it is a stormy wild thing that can bring despair, but in the end it is also always the thing that brings hope and life.
Rain Clouds Over the Smokies
48 x 24
Oil Painting on Hardwood Panel