Bread Crumbs
Bread Crumbs
Week 109
Ever have dessert and want to take the smallest bites possible so it keeps lasting? This painting gives me that feeling- no rush, just pure enjoyment.
This scene in Key West Florida. We are roosters and chickens from the streets like lizards and cockroaches. We were on our way to a tapas happy hour. We took our three year old daughter and quickly don a gorgeous dress that was once my mother’s lovingly handmade by my great grandmother. We took a lot of care to leave out mopeds and fire hydrants that were littering this particular street corner. If she sat under the strangler fig tree and threw the breadcrumbs we had brought.
Afterwards, there was plenty of photoshopping to be done. Mostly to combine images of roosters that worked with her composition and edit out the trash of the street. It was a moment in time completely otherworldly and yet so familiar. It seemed to transcend time and also make time stop.
36x40 | Oil on Hardwood Panel